Capricorn Full Moon – Tarot Reading – 07/09/2017


This Full Moon I felt there were 3 major themes coming in for the collective, each one asking us to release something from our lives; choose the spread that calls to you and read the interpretation below!


Spread 1


  • Main Theme: Three of Pentacles (Reversed)
  • What is Being Released: King of Swords (Reversed) ((P.S I just noticed I accidentally flipped it right side up when taking the picture lol))
  • Advice: Three of Cups

Spread 2


  • Main Theme: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)
  • What is Being Released: The Chariot
  • Advice: Ten of Pentacles

Spread 3


  • Main Theme: Three of Wands (Reversed)
  • What is Being Released: Nine of Cups (Reversed)
  • Advice: The Hermit

Universal Advice Card: MA’AT



Spread 1

  • Main Theme: Three of Pentacles (Reversed)

If you picked spread 1, the main theme being highlighted by this Capricorn Full Moon is focusing on the status of your group/work relationships. In reversed position the 3 of Pentacles represents tension that stems from competition, a lack of harmony and team-work ethic. I sense that this card in general is highlighting those relationships in which we don’t feel welcome; the groups of people that make us feel uneasy, that bring out our worst instead of our best. I feel like with this full moon being in Capricorn, this will definitely be focused around work relationships for most people: there is tension and conflict that needs to be resolved in your professional relationships, or in personal relationships that directly affect your link to stability and prosperity within the material realm. Are you currently seeing a lot of strife within your interpersonal relationships? Do you often find yourself within groups of people that you cannot relate to, or that flat out bring out the worst in you? If so, the Three of Pentacles reversed highlights the fact that the main theme for you this full moon is about resolving the relationships that can be salvaged, and dumping the ones that are a lost cause. This lunar cycle is a time when you should be actively purging people that do not serve you from your life; any baggage created by unresolved tension between you and anybody you interact with will greatly hinder your ability to move on within your own path. This theme is all about placing yourself in settings where you can make your voice be heard, where your skills and hard work will be appreciated and encouraged openly and frequently. Rid yourself of relationships that are draining, that ignore and stifle your true potential, and that only serve to add tension into your life. Surround yourself with people who mirror your level of consciousness and who share similar goals and visions as you do; you deserve to be surrounded by supportive, beneficial relationships both in your personal and professional lives.

  • What is Being Released: King of Swords (Reversed)

The King of Swords reversed indicates that you are being called to let go of the part of you that misuses the divine masculine principles of intellect and detachment: if you find that there are situations in which you participate in actions of manipulation or lack of consideration for others, the King of Swords reversed is asking that you release the wounded side of you that has forced you to shut out genuine connections with others. Someone who manipulates and who abuses their intellectual prowess to get their way, without regards for the wellbeing of others, is someone who has not accepted the connection they inherently hold to the individuals they’re surrounded with. This full moon you would do well to remember that, while you ARE the most important person in your story, the concept of having a “story” that you are at the center of, is a construct of the ego: in reality, we aren’t just “connected” we are one and the same. We are God’s consciousness experiencing itself through billions of different individual perceptions; We are like cells that are all part of the same body: while the myocytes and neurons may perceive themselves to be completely different, separate entities, if they suddenly decided that they do not care about the wellbeing of the other, this would eventually lead to the failure and death of ALL cells and the organism they belong to. Remember that it is good to allow the divine feminine to come out and fill you with the recognition of being part of a much bigger whole; balance out your need to be intellectual and rational and detached with your ability to be emotionally aware, intuitive and compassionate for all beings. Remember that, to care for another is to care for yourself, so long as this does not come at the expense of your personal needs and boundaries.

  • Advice: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups is all about friendship, compromise and celebration. This is a card that advices you to turn to your friendships and connections to others in order to find solace from whatever struggles you have been facing. This card reminds you that, it is more than ok to turn to the people close to you when you are in need of a shoulder to cry on, or when you are in need of perspective/advice. It could also signify that you are being called towards cultivating friendships and relationships at this time: If you have any unresolved conflict with any of the people in your life, this card is heralding you to fix these troubles and make peace. The Three of Cups reminds you that forgiveness always comes easier when sparked by genuine compassion: Use empathy to heal the wounds others have inflicted on you; remember that the people who have hurt you never had anything personal against you, they were simply playing out their pain and projecting it onto you. Have compassion for these poor bastards and just forgive their shortcomings: At the end of the day, the only person you are truly hurting by holding a grudge is YOURSELF. Give in to this energy of closeness, friendship and support that is being highlighted all throughout this Cancer season: Take some time out to love and appreciate the people in your life, use your relationships and friendships to get the moral support you need and heal and transform any relationships that are currently not serving you. The people in your life were put here for a reason, you would do well to remember this next time you’re about to convince yourself that you can go at this alone; you don’t have to go at this alone.

Click here to read the interpretation for this week’s Universal Advice card: Ma’at

Spread 2

  • Main Theme: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

Five of Pentacles upright indicates a period of financial poverty and loss; reversed it indicates the culmination of such a period. This card as your main theme this Full Moon indicates that you have recently been experiencing some sort of tribulation within the material realm: perhaps you made a poor investment, lost a job or simply saw your finances/material stability threatened for any given reason; the Five of Pentacles as a theme highlights the fact that this period of instability and “poverty” is soon to end. You have endured so much loss and uncertainty and your luck is about to turn back around; you are regaining your confidence in yourself and starting to feel like life IS worth living after all. You are learning that comfort and prosperity are felt within before they can manifest physically before you. This card can certainly point to spiritual poverty/lack mentality: This will certainly be the culprit for the streak of bad luck you have been experiencing. Five of Pentacles reversed can be indication of the fact that you have been placing too much emphasis on your material possessions and surroundings, neglecting all of the emotional/spiritual blessings you DO have. This tendency to focus on what you are lacking instead of focusing on what you have abundance of, paired with the gnawing feeling of being doomed to suffer, is what has been attracting material strife into your life. Five of Pentacles reminds you that, for your luck to completely turn around, you must do your part and elevate your own vibration to the frequency of abundance and love: Realize that there are states of being that you already hold within you, and that you can activate at any point in time. Forget all the misfortune you have experienced in the past and realize that these experiences were NOT any kind of indication of the kind of luck/life you have been served: You are served whatever it is you ask for, and it is up to you to ask for and to accept bounty and blessings instead of trouble and debt. YOU DESERVE GOOD THINGS. Start thinking and acting like it and you will soon see this energy physically reflected within your physical surroundings.

  • What is Being Released: The Chariot

The Chariot is all about assertion, aggression, relentlessly chasing after your goals. I sense that, this card is asking you to release the side of you that is so intent on achieving a specific goal that you may miss signs that your path is changing; the Chariot in the “release” position is about letting go of the part of you that has an attachment to the idea of achieving victory within specific parameters, for this kind of rigidity can interfere with you getting to where you NEED to go. Sometimes, we can become overly attached to our expectations and consequently wind up accidentally resisting the changes and events that are naturally making their way towards us. The Chariot here is asking you to loosen up your grip a little bit, and make room for the Universe to work its magic. Remember that, you need only to take a couple small steps in the direction of your dreams, and the Universe will meet you the rest of the way: But if you are sprinting head on towards this goal, you may not be giving the Universe enough time to fully craft this experience and bring it to you. Take a moment to breathe and to reassess whether you are STILL on the right track or not; chances are you are, but possibly you might have to adjust your course slightly. You will never realize that your path has actually changed if you are too busy relentlessly pursuing whatever else you had originally set your sights upon. This card is here to remind you that, the pursuit of our goals should happen in bursts: feel a burst of motivation and let it propel you forward, but then take a moment to look around and check in with yourself. Once you figure out what you have endured so far, what is to come and whether or not this feels right to you, you can continue moving forward OR readjust your course accordingly. The Chariot as a “release” card is all about knowing that you are currently running a marathon, not a 100M sprint. Remember to take some time to rest and reassess accordingly and you will yield much more fruitful results than if you rush through the whole race.

  • Advice: Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles is all about financial prosperity, creating lasting foundations and learning to recognize your place within a much bigger picture: This card as advice is here to remind you that, security and success are concepts that are active within you always and that it is up to you to activate them by remembering that, you ARE success and safety and prosperity. Ten of Pentacles advices you to look at the big picture instead of focusing on minute details: if you have been experiencing loss as highlighted by the reversed Five of Pentacles, you would do well to remember that these are only temporary conditions and that they are NOT reflections of your light nor character. Sometimes we are faced with obstacles that may make us perceive ourselves as unlucky or damned: it is important to reframe our perspective and remember that, these obstacles are here to reaffirm our sense of confidence within ourselves, not to shake it for good. Ten of Pentacles advices you to feel the wealth within you: look back at all of the ways that you do have wealth and security: maybe you don’t have a lot of financial blessings, but you at least have a roof over your head, food to eat and a set of wonderful friends and family. We all have bounty and blessings in our lives; it is up to us to recognize and appreciate this blessings to make sure that they keep multiplying. Gratitude breeds more things for us to be grateful about: Practice the art of recognizing the abundance within you, and in turn watch this abundance multiply right before your eyes. Fulfillment and stability within the material realm are on the horizon for you: but this is one of those things that you have to “believe in order to see.” You will only be trapped in struggle and misery so long as you perceive these things to be your natural state of being (hint: they aren’t your natural state of being; stop identifying with concepts that do not bring you comfort and contentment.)

Click here to read the interpretation for this week’s Universal Advice card: Ma’at

Spread 3

  • Main Theme: Three of Wands (Reversed)

The main theme highlighted by the Three of Wands reversed is one of complications that stem from a lack of planning or foresight: This card highlights the fact that you are currently feeling dejected because of certain obstacles that you have been facing in some aspect of your life. If you have lately been working on a specific project and have been met with resistance, the Three of Wands reversed reminds you that obstacles are mostly just hurdles that force us to take our time and reassess our path. You would do well to remember that sometimes things don’t go our way so that we can resolidify our faith in ourselves and our path; take these complications and allow them to teach you something. Perhaps these troubles are an indication that you need to take your goals and break them down into smaller, more realistic actions that will eventually add up to a much bigger plan. Take this time to really think about what it is that you are trying to accomplish, and don’t allow yourself to become discouraged by the complications you are facing. Instead of simply “doing” for the sake of feeling like you are being productive, find ways to truly be efficient in the way that you go about manifesting your dreams. This card is all about taking a moment to look out onto the horizon and making sense of the big picture while still keeping in mind the smaller set of steps that must be taken before achieving the grand scheme. Do not get discouraged, this Full Moon theme for you is all about remembering that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

  • What is Being Released: Nine of Cups (Reversed)

The Nine of Cups in reverse highlights the state of hyperfemininity in which we resort to escapism in order to avoid dealing with the pain within ourselves; this state of avoidance and imbalance is what is being released for you. Nine of Cups in reverse represents the feeling of inherent lack and dissatisfaction that comes when we have been repeatedly wronged or hurt by the world, thus causing us to internalize a feeling of deserving misfortune. You are called to release any part of you that may have mistakenly believed that you are deserving of misery or bad luck; you are purging any feelings of escapism and dissatisfaction that are only propagating more misfortune in your existence. Let go of any ideas, feelings, energies, and/or people that are only instigating this feeling of lack and void within you. You are here to embody the Nine of Cups in upright position: fulfillment of mind, body, heart and spirit. This state of utmost bliss is something that is felt from within by acknowledging and releasing any trauma that has enforced an illusion of separation between us and Source: you were never separate from this state of perfect balance and wholeness, you simply perceived this separation due to some sort of trauma that led you to believe that you were NOT an inherent reflection of this higher state of being. Shed light on the pain that has deluded you into thinking that you are separate from God and all his blessings, and then gracefully release those wounds with the newfound knowledge that you were always deserving of so much better.

(Since this card also came up for the Chiron retrograde reading, I suggest you go take a look at that to get a little more information about how you can release this wounding. Click here to navigate over to that blog entry)

  • Advice: The Hermit

The Hermit is all about retreating inwards to find the truth about any situation we are currently in; this card represents a period of solitude and meditation in which we look within to make sense of the situations around us. I sense that the advice here is all about foregoing any need for outside stimulus or validation and using our own moral compass and intuition to figure out what the best course of action is. You are being advised to take some time to be alone with your own thoughts, and to do the work of soul searching in order to make sense of the place you are currently at; remember that we are all connected to the Universe itself and to every single being that exists within it. All we must do in order to gain insight (in any situation) is to retreat into that place of higher awareness that we all have within us. If you have been relying on the opinions and insights of others lately, now is a good time to let go of that habit and form a new one where all you need to do to gain clarity, is consult with your own higher self to get the answers that you need. The key with the Hermit is to remember that this self-observation needs to happen in a neutral, non-judgmental manner: if you have a tendency to be self-critical, you must do away with this bad habit. Nothing thwarts your ability to objectively gain insight like attaching judgment and negative expectations to the act of observing. Remain a neutral observer when looking within for answers: Remember that any mistakes or shortcomings on your end are to be revered as the learning experiences they are. There is literally no use to beating down on yourself for actions that you can never take back; drop the self-pity act and instead adopt an attitude of knowing that it is completely possible for you to do better next time, so long as you can remain objective and firm within the knowledge that you have it within you to make the right choices for yourself. You are divine and as so you are omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent; but you are also human and as so you are flawed and bound to make mistakes from time to time. Forgive yourself for the times you have allowed your ego to hijack your decision-making, and then let your higher self step back into the driver’s seat. The compass you need to be following to get to your destination has been within you this entire time; use it!

Click here to read the interpretation for this week’s Universal Advice card: Ma’at

Universal Advice: Ma’at

Ma’at as the advice for everybody within the collective is a very humbling message: This Full Moon we are all being called towards surrendering our personal agendas in favor of the highest good of the collective. I sense that, this Full Moon we are all releasing whatever expectations our egos had tricked us into believing were furthering our progress and growth; the key word here is “tricked” because, these expectations WEREN’T actually serving any real purpose within any of us. Overall, each theme highlights that there is SOME sort of  disconnect between us and Source, and this disconnect is what has allowed our ego to step in and “fill in” the gaps… Ma’at is about being fair and just: This sense of absolute harmony can only happen when everyone involved is acting from a place of TRUE love and high-vibration: when we are internalizing feelings of lack, inadequacy, and dissatisfaction, we cannot truly be fair, true, and objective like Ma’at demands. The advice for everyone within the collective is to do our part in releasing and healing all which is hindering us from fully embodying the Godly power within each and every one of us; to harmonize our above with our below, and consequently be able to act from a place of high awareness and harmony. Release any feelings of guilt, shame, fear, or lack that are propagating more of this low vibration within your life and the lives of those around you. We all need to do this work within our personal sphere in order to be able to see this love mirrored all throughout the collective; we all have it within us to craft this Utopia by first elevating our own vibration. Be fair to yourself: heal yourself, love yourself, be compassionate to yourself. This will only empower those around you to also do the same.

Author: maidenoracle

twitter: @virginfishh

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